


Clip with photos: Christine Schiele Darling and Jack Darling discuss developing their magic act at FronteraFest.

In 2024, FronteraFest—Hyde Park Theatre’s annual fringe festival that’s been cooking since 1993—met StoryCorps.

StoryCorps is the renowned nonprofit that records conversations and memories from all over the country, sends them to the Library of Congress, and collects them in their own online archive, which is now “the largest single collection of human voices ever gathered.”

So when StoryCorps offered to help us create an oral history of FronteraFest, we snapped it up!

Check out the short clips from the project below and to the right, or visit the StoryCorps archive for those full conversations.

Clip with photos: Vicky Boone, Jason Phelps and Annie Suite discuss founding FronteraFest.

Clip with photos: Christine Hoang and Max Langert talk about working with Frontera Fest and what it means to be an artist.