2024-25 HPT Season
Waiting for Godot
December 12 - 22, 2024
Samuel Beckett’s hilarious and heartbreaking classic, directed by Mark Pickell and featuring Ken Webster, Robert Pierson, Titos Menchaca, Matt Hislope, and Mark Pickell.
FronteraFest 2025
January 14 - February 15 2025
Our 30th anniversary festival! Produced in conjunction with Scriptworks. Get all the details on the FronteraFest page.
Help! my vagina is trying to kill me!
February 20 - March 22, 2025
Written and performed by Yola Jean Lu
Okay, technically this is a one-woman show about STI’s, miscarriage, and HPV. But believe it or not, it is also uproariously funny, except when it makes you cry so hard the person behind you offers you a tissue. It’s about love, loss, overcoming shame, and possibly even—I know it sounds crazy—learning to love and accept yourself for who you are. Not just for owners of vaginas!
Rest of Season TBA: Stay Tuned!

Make a donation.
Be our hero, Your tax-deductible donation, whatever its size, will help us pay actors, designers, and technicians, build sets, create costumes, and pay for more and better lighting, sound, and video equipment. You’re the kindest person, and we’re really grateful.